As the nights grow shorter I am reflecting on this summer of exploration! Sometimes it feels a bit like one step forward and two steps back.. but I think I have learned a lot about food, farming and myself!
I have realised that this is a long-term project, and that although it feels as if progress is slow, we are trying new things - adding beans to the rotation, using compost and burnt chicken manure, trying out direct drilling on the heaviest land (so far so good! although the system depends on roundup...) and have 20% of our land in environmental stewardship, with wetlands and other habitat creation.
As I am not ready to stick my fork in the ground and settle on the farm (will I ever be?!), this seems good for now. Keep lobbying the old chap, learning and trying new things.
My journey has taken me through a number of perspectives of our food and farming system. From groups of passionate food campaigners and small scale growers to commercial lobbyists, Syngenta representatives and 8000 acre estate managers, from activists who cut GM maize to people who play about with DNA in their kitchens...
On one hand I have my ideals. Agroecological systems, food sovereignity, trade justice, local food economies, maintaining resources for future generations, access to land for young people...etc.
On the other hand, I can see the reality of the system in which we are operating. The need to keep making a living. Our dependency on chemicals and global markets. Trusting my dads experience and understanding of our land.
I think its important to keep a truly open mind, and look at this problem from all sides, and try not to feel overwhelmed by the complexity of the problem!
I shall continue my endeavours to learn and to share my musings (i.e. actually write in my blog..!) and meet others on a similar journey!